Phoenix is a series of manga created by 手塚治虫(Osamu Tezuka). The 12 volumes of this manga talk about bird of fire with the power of immortality witnesses the change of human beings and universe. Unfortunately, Tezuka left the world before he can finish the last volume of the series.
What's amazing about the Phoenix is the stories goes though time and space. There are human, god, buddhas, monsters, beasts, machines, animals and plants. Tezuka explored the driving force of life, not only for the Japanese nation, but also for the entire human race. Grand and deep thinking.
In the first volume Dawn, the people and animals did everything to survive after being trapped in the cave. The jackals were digging in the caves in order to survive. And the people tripped in the cave would feed the dead children to the jackals and eat the dead jackals to survive. And they ask their children to get married to each other in order to breed offspring and continuing life.
And the Resurrection was other one shows really interesting point of view. Tezuka tells people how everyone sees things in their own ways and love in their own ways. We think we judge people by their inside, but the difference from the outside would make us treat them differently.
Tezuka were able to create and present those amazing concepts and ideas that are still amazing today from 50 years ago. And this is why this genius would been seen as the representation of Japanese manga and anime.
Tezuka were able to create and present those amazing concepts and ideas that are still amazing today from 50 years ago. And this is why this genius would been seen as the representation of Japanese manga and anime.
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