Shonen Manga!

食梦者漫画_外传1已完结_BakuMan 漫画家爆漫爆漫王。在线漫画_动漫屋

  This week I read manga Bakuman. It is not like other battle shonen manga I normally read but it does not lack of any passion that any other shonen manga has. After I start reading the manga, I just can't stop till I get almost half way though it. I have seen the first season of Bakuman's anime many years ago, but reading the manga this time gave me a different impression than before.
  First I got more in love with the translated chinese title of Bakuman-- Dream Eaters. The characters are a group of people that feed on their dreams. They use all the power they have to achieve their dreams. All their passion has been put in their dreams. Even Moritaka has an "engagement" with Miho, her importance is way under the importance of their manga. The artist used most chapters to talk about how the character fight with the realistic brutal Japanese manga industry.
  Then as a creator now, I can under stand better on how bad they want to get their work out there and how sad the things you create just not accepted by others. Especially when the reason is just because you just didn't get to catch the chance. But by reading Bakuman, I feel like I can absorb their overflowing passion and get back to create the work I want to create.


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